Monday, April 9, 2012

Truth has been a rough day. I have never been so happy to walk through my door and know I didn't have to go back out it for the rest of the day. Sure, there have been rough days, days that you just want to curl up in bed and eat peanut butter with a spoon and watch musicals all day. Ok, maybe that is just me, I don't know.

Yeah, one of THOSE days...

What's worse, there was absolutely nothing wrong with my day. It was what was going to happen tomorrow...and the next day.  Who has two thumbs and flips out over things that haven't happened yet?? This girl.

Yeah, it's corny, I know.    

Maybe I just have a case of the Monday's. 

What does that even MEAN? If I have a case of something I don't want I just slap return postage on that puppy and send it back from whence it came. 

Ok, enough about me, urm, about my weird pre-flip out flipping out. If there is anything that can put a smile on my face, it is Ted. He is after all the perfect guy. He is even green which just makes him all the more loveable. The perfect green guy. 

Yeah....don't ponder that too hard.

Floatie Ted
What do you mean it's only February???

This is how half of my winter was spent... in a floatie waiting for the pool in my daydreams to open. Sigh..I do way too much daydreaming. Wait...wha????

Happy belated Easter to you all, if in fact Eater can be belated. 

And of course...

Happy Monday!

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